Out Of Body, Out Of Mind
It seems tonight,
I'm on the floor.
There's someone
knocking at my door.
Can't answer it,
I only shout.
Then I hear,
No words come out.
I try again,
But it's the same.
I can't even,
Say my own name.
I panic now,
Start to weep,
From my eyes,
The tears not seep.
As for sound,
Nothing is heard,
From my mouth,
No breath transferred.
Looking down,
I see my face,
Reflection maybe?
This not the case.
My body limp,
Lips so blue,
Tell me this,
Cannot be true.
The door it opened,
In beamed a light,
Now all I feel
Is pain and fright
I walk towards
The light I see
I feel, I sense
My destiny
My body now,
Is left behind
And soon my life
Is out of mind.
(c)2008 David McGarry
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